A tribute to a great father!
On May 12, 2022 (May 13 in Asia), I learned that my father had passed away. Being a highly busy and dynamic person at work, my life abruptly came to a halt. I couldn't even focus on performing the things I usually do.
I then focused on some of the things I recall about this remarkable man. I wasn't with him for a long time, perhaps 38 years, and I had no idea about the totality of his life after he departed for the United States many years ago. I've always told my siblings that they are extremely fortunate to be a part of our parents' lives. They must take advantage of that. And I'm sure they did.
So, what I'm going to tell you is the tale of a couple who decided to serve the Lord with their wonderful family. This narrative is not just about our father, but also about our beloved mother and all of their daughters and sons, with the slightest touch of ‘my story'.
Benjamin and Ofelia fell in love and married on October 13, 1957. They began serving the Lord, and after a couple of years of marriage, God blessed them with a lovely daughter. On October 30, 1959, a lovely baby girl was born. She was given the name Leah Lyn. Their lives were wonderful, and they were living joyfully serving the Lord. Leah Lyn was a beautiful and healthy baby. They were content.
On October 8, 1961, God blessed them with a lovely and adorable boy. They named their new son Noel. Benjamin was overjoyed to have a son, and he was pleased that Noel turned out to be a handsome baby. (hehe).
So, I was born . . .
Isn't the family picture perfect? A couple with a son and a daughter was the epitome of a good little family. Tatay's only issue was that he had to spend money on gifts during the month of October. Why I said so? Imagine this. He must first find a birthday present for his son. Second, for their anniversary, and third, a birthday present for their daughter.
All in the month of October.
They appeared to be satisfied with their lives. They had no idea that God had different plans for them. Because another baby was born before I completed my second year of childhood. God blessed them with a baby daughter on July 27, 1963. They named her Bethuel, and they were overjoyed. Bethuel was a sweet and tiny newborn girl who had provided happiness to the family.
Another baby girl was born not long after Bethuel turned two. On September 21, 1965, she was born. Alpha was her given name. They were a contented family. A God-serving couple with four lovely children.
Let's take a moment to appreciate this small family. What do you notice? A tiny family consisting of a husband and wife and four children. Yes.
This is what I thought in this household. A husband, a wife, three girls, and the sole son!
I was the only son!
A prince seated on a throne! (LOL)
I felt happy and proud. Can you picture being Tatay's only son for 5 years? He has to adore me, LOL.
. . . . which was short-lived, thanks to Arvin.
Because when I was 6 six old on February 10, 1967, Arvin was born, and I was instantly relegated from being the 'only son' to the status of a 'big brother.'
Arvin's arrival made the entire family very pleased. I wasn't complaining, but Arvin had the most amazing powdered milk. Every night, while everyone was downstairs, I had to climb the stairs and go inside Arvin's room, where I opened his can of powdered milk and took 1 scoop of milk, and placed it in my mouth. I'm not sure how many times I did it, but it was probably too many. The only time I stopped was when I choked on the milk. So, Nanay, you understand why Arvin's powdered milk was gone so easily.
I had already assumed the role of "big brother." Big brother was excellent! Tatay had kept my attention. We were now a family of five children.
During 1969, there were several historical events. Apollo 11 ascended to the moon. Richard Nixon was elected president, and the Vietnam War was still unfolding. I was also a 2nd grader during that time.
It was also that year when a new baby arrived. We were all anticipating the birth of this child. Tatay and Nanay did not want all their babies to be ultrasound, therefore we will only discover the gender after the baby is delivered. It was a baby boy, again.
Lemuel Castillo Nicolas was given the name of the new baby on February 27, 1969. The baby boy was very handsome with a very prominent feature of a pointed nose.
One day, while we were staring at the new baby, Nanay mentioned that she felt the new baby boy resembled Pope Paul VI.
Pope Paul VI?
We welcomed the new baby and adored him. We are now a family with six children. There were three girls and three boys. Isn't that ideal?
I didn't mind that I wasn't the only son either. It felt fantastic to accept the role of big brother to all of my younger siblings.
On April 19, 1971, I was ten years old when a new baby boy was born. I've already assumed the position of big brother to all of my younger siblings, as I mentioned. This time, though, things are different. Benjamin C. Nicolas, Jr. was the name given to the new infant boy.
Tatay just acknowledged his Junior?
I didn’t see that coming!
Junior was a really attractive and healthy young boy. I've always looked after him and entertained him in his wooden bamboo stroller. The flavor of his powdered milk was the only thing that surprised me. He had the worst powdered milk I'd ever tasted.
Do you think Nanay will not have a junior now that Tatay has his? Hannah Ofelia Castillo Nicolas was born on November 15, 1974. It just made sense. Nanay must have a junior like Tatay. Hannah Ofelia was a lovely baby, and we all adored her.
That day is still fresh in my mind. That was Lolo's birthday (grandfather). Our Lola was overjoyed when she told our Lolo that the most recent baby girl was born on the same day as his birthday. Lolo's face lit up as he heard the news.
The narrative of the Nicolas family is not complete without discussing the conclusion.
The conclusion is always present in movies and music.
In my experience as a professional musician, the finest part of the song is the FINALE. The song will be remembered most if you have a very good and a strong finale.
God bestowed two spectacular finales to the Nicolas family.
One daughter finale and one son finale. Rachel Castillo Nicolas and Giovanni Castillo Nicolas were born years apart. Yet it was evident that God bestowed them on the family as a type of special gift. They were two exceptional siblings, and we all adored them.
They left for the USA when they were still young.
That, my friends, is the story of the Nicolas Family, as I see it. Which was headed by a great man, Benjamin Nicolas, and our mother, Ofelia Nicolas. Through the years, they served the Lord with patience and humility.
Tatay, even though we haven't seen each other in many years, I want to tell you that I love you and miss the times we've spent together. I also miss those days in school when we were together, Nanay.
To all of my brothers and sisters. I ask that we love and respect one another like our parents loved us.
May God bless us all continuously.
Your 'Big Brother' & just plain 'Noel' to Ate Leah,